How to Invest

To invest directly into the Celeste Australian Small Companies Fund, please refer to the current Product Disclosure Statement. The Fund’s application form can be found on our Forms page. Click here to view the Fund’s Updated Annual Fees & Costs for the financial year ended 30 June 2023.

Please be advised that from 1 November 2023, the board composition of the Responsible Entity will consist of a majority of external directors and as a result, the Responsible Entity’s Compliance Committee is dissolved from this date.

You should also read the Fund’s Target Market Determination (TMD) which outlines the likely objectives, financial situation and needs of customers the Fund has been designed for.  Prior versions of the Fund’s TMD can be obtained free of charge by emailing Celeste Funds Management at

For further Fund information, please refer to the Additional Information Booklet.

The Celeste Australian Small Companies Fund is also available through the following platforms:

  1. Asgard
  2. Ausmaq
  3. BT Panorama
  4. CFS Edge
  5. CFS FirstWrap
  6. eXpand
  7. Hub 24
  8. IOOF
  9. Macquarie Wrap
  10. MLC Wrap
  11. Netwealth
  12. North