That's Interesting

  • The tamer the cow, the smaller the brain

    The first large-sale study of brain sizes across cattle breeds reveals that docile dairy and beef cows have smaller brains than aggressive bullfighting breeds

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  • The Real Magic of Rituals

    We might call them superstitions or spells, but they genuinely drum anxiety away.

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  • Here are the winners of the 2022 Ig Nobel Prizes

    Would you give yourself an alcohol enema for science? Test the running speed of constipated scorpions in the lab? Build your very own moose crash test dummy? Or maybe you’d like to tackle the thorny question of why legal documents are so relentlessly incomprehensible. These and other unusual research endeavors were honored in the 2022 annual Ig Nobel Prizes.

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  • Found: a controversial painting hidden inside a painting by Vermeer

    When restoring a painting by Vermeer, conservators discovered an image of Cupid covered up by an additional layer of paint. The paint was removed, revealing the painting as the Dutch master had originally intended it. While this discovery settles old debates about the work, it also raises some new questions — like: who covered it up?

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  • The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code

    Bill Benter did the impossible: He wrote an algorithm that couldn’t lose at the track. Close to a billion dollars later, he tells his story for the first time.

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  • Essential Climbing Knots — The Complete Guide

    Seven essential climbing knots to learn first: The Trace Eight, Prusik, Clove Hitch, Ring Bend, Double Fisherman’s, Girth Hitch, and Figure-Eight On A Bight.

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  • Wasps force zombie spiders to weave ‘cocoon’ webs

    For some unlucky spiders, the zombie apocalypse is now. Some parasitic wasp larvae can take over their minds, forcing them to weave special webs the wasps use to support and protect their cocoons.

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  • Popular Letterheads

    A list of the most popular letterhead, sorted according to traffic — most-viewed first — and therefore inherently unfair due to older letterhead naturally having been viewed more.

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  • Who do we spend time with across our lifetime?

    In adolescence we spend the most time with our parents, siblings, and friends; as we enter adulthood we spend more time with our co-workers, partners, and children; and in our later years we spend an increasing amount of time alone.

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  • The Construction Material Pyramid

    Based on Denmark’s food pyramid’s graphical language, the Centre for Industrialised Architecture (CINARK) at the Royal Danish Academy have developed a digital version of the Construction Material Pyramid.

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