That's Interesting

  • Big data meets modern medicine in a life-saving equation

    There are so many ways to spend money on health care, but which offer the most bang for the buck? Dr. Chris Murray is trying to answer that question with an equation that measures the impact of different interventions. Countries that rely on big data have made big strides in health care, but some say the system ignores the human side of medicine.

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  • Tim Berners-Lee on the Future of the Internet

    Tim Berners-Lee, father of the world wide web, discusses the future of the internet, as Justin Rowlatt reports from the Science Museum’s newly-opened Information Age gallery. Justin gets a sneak pre-opening tour from curator Tilly Blythe. Among the exhibits – including the server on which Tim first coded the web – he speaks to internet pioneer Martha Lane Fox, and to the founder of Acorn Computers and chip-maker ARM, Hermann Hauser.

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